The Nordic Gender Certificate
For the past few years we, at Cecilienorgaard.com, have developed the idea of a Nordic Gender Certificate. The Nordic Gender Certificate for educational institutions will be optional and achieved by meeting specific requirements of research-based knowledge on gender and Gender Mainstreaming. The certificate is a simple and united Nordic tool to raise focus and development publicly for the principle of gender equality in the Nordic societies.
Read more about The Nordic Gender Certificate below:
Read: Development and status (in Danish)
Read: Article in NIKK about the certificate:‘Gender equality labelling of Nordic schools?’
Read: The Recoomendation for the Nordic Council, prepared by Cecilie Nørgaard:‘Et kvalitetsmærke om ligebehandling og ligestilling i børnehaver og skoler’ (2014) (In Danish)
See: A beta version of The Nordic Gender Certificate website (In Danish)