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1. Aftalegrundlag
Ved handel hos MANGFOLD / accepterer du automatisk at have læst og accepteret nedenstående salgs- og leveringsbetingelser. Fravigelse er kun gyldig ved MANGFOLD / udtrykkelige og skriftlige accept heraf.

2. Indgåelse af aftale/køb
Når du bestiller et produkt på sender vi dig efterfølgende, via mail, en ordrebekræftelse. Vi lagrer ingen data, som du giver oplysninger om, og bruger kun oplysningerne i forhold til betaling og forsendelse.

De oplysninger du efter gennemført køb vil modtage via mail er følgende:

  • Ordrenummer
  • Fornavn og efternavn
  • Adresse 1 og evt. adresse 2 (fx leveringsadresse)
  • Betalingsform
  • Oversigt/beskrivelse af de(t) bestilte produkt(et)
  • Opfordring til at printe kvittering

3. Accept af elektronisk kommunikation (Juridisk bindende)
Ved køb online af et MANGFOLD / produkt accepterer du, at kommunikation og meddelelser til den af dig meddelte mailadresse. Du accepterer herved, at elektroniske meddelelser har samme juridiske retsvirkning som sådanne, der ikke fremsendes som elektronisk post.

4. Priser
Alle priser hos MANGFOLD / er angivet i danske kroner (DKK) og er inklusive 25 % moms. Fragt- og leveringsomkostninger, eventuelle betalingskort- og bankgebyr oplyses inden køb. Transaktionsgebyrer i forbindelse med køb gennem PayPal påligger MANGFOLD /
Bestiller du fra et andet EU-land, betales der dansk moms, men ingen told, jf. reglerne om varernes frie bevægelighed. Bestiller du derimod vore produkter fra et land, der ligger uden for EU-området, kan der blive påført lokale skatter og told, som du som køber selv er ansvarlig for afregning af.

5. Betalingsbetingelser
Betaling for bestilte varer kan ske online gennem PayPal. Oprettelse af en PayPal-konto kan ske gennem:
Betaling trækkes først når produkterne afsendes fra vores lager.

6. Fortrydelsesret
Du har 14 dages fortrydelsesret fra det tidspunkt varen modtages. Udnyttelse af fortrydelsesretten kan ske ved at returnere varen til nedenstående adresse. Ved returnering medsendes fakturanummer, kopi af faktura eller anden identifikation af købsaftalen. Fragtomkostninger ved returnering påligger kunden. Den returnerede vares emballagebeskyttelse skal være intakt og i samme stand som ved levering.

7. Reklamation
Hvis du modtager en vare med fejl, skal du hurtigst muligt reklamere, og senest inden der er gået 2 år. Kunden betaler leveringsomkostningerne ved tilbageforsendelsen. Ved reklamation oplyses fakturanummer eller anden identifikation af købsaftalen.

Returnering eller reklamation kan ske til:

Strandgade 52
1401 København K

Telefon: (+45) 2612 0239
CVR: 32053165

8. Levering
Hurtigst muligt og indenfor 3-4 hverdage. Ønsker du en bestemt leveringsdato er du velkommen til at skrive det under “kommentar”. Er den ønskede produkt i restordre, kan du vælge at modtage en besked på mail når titlen igen er på lager.

9. Force majeure (krig, strejke, ildsvåde etc.)
Enhver ordre modtages under forbehold for Force Majeure herunder krig, borgerlige uroligheder, naturkatastrofer, strejker og lockout, svigtende forsyninger af råmaterialer, ildebrand, beskadigelse af MANGFOLD / eller MANGFOLD / leverandørers produktionsapparat, svigtende transportmuligheder, import/eksportforbud eller enhver anden begivenhed, som hindrer eller begrænser MANGFOLD / eller MANGFOLD / leverandørers muligheder for at levere. MANGFOLD / har i tilfælde af Force Majeure valget mellem at hæve handlen eller levere den aftalte vare, så snart hindringen for normal leverance er bortfaldet. MANGFOLD / er i tilfælde af Force Majeure uden ansvar for ethvert tab hos køberen som følge af manglende levering.

10. Ansvarsbegrænsning
MANGFOLD / hæfter ikke for driftstab, avancetab eller andre indirekte tab i forbindelse med aftalen om køb af MANGFOLD / produkter.

Et erstatningskrav over for MANGFOLD / kan ikke overstige fakturabeløbet for den solgte vare/genstand. I forbruger køb har forbrugeren ret til erstatning, såfremt betingelserne herfor er til stede, jf. købelovens § 80.

11. Produktansvar
MANGFOLD / produktansvar følger dansk rets almindelige regler herom, og i det omfang det ikke følger ufravigelige retsregler er MANGFOLD / ikke ansvarlig for driftstab, avancetab eller andet indirekte tab som følge af produktfejl.

12. Tvister
Tvister afgøres efter dansk ret med Københavns Byret som værneting, medmindre andet følger af ufravigelige regler for forbrugere.

Betingelser er gældende fra den 1. April 2016.

Terms and Conditions

1. General terms and conditions
MANGFOLD / owns and operate this Website. This document governs your relationship with MANGFOLD / Access to and use of this Website and the products and services available through this Website (collectively, the ‘Services’) are subject to the following terms, conditions and notices (the ‘Terms of Service’). By using the Services, you are agreeing to all of the Terms of Service, which may be subject to change.

2. Terms of sale and privacy policy
By placing an order you are offering to purchase a product on and subject to the following terms and conditions. All orders are subject to availability and confirmation of the order price. Dispatch times may vary according to availability and subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure for which we will not be responsible.

When placing an order at you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. only store data provided by the customer for payment and shipping purposes. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised may be subject to such changes.

Upon placing your order you will automatically receive an email with the following information:

  • Order number
  • First name and last name as stated by you
  • Address
  • Form of payment
  • Product description

3. Acceptance of electronic communications (Legally binding)
When placing an order at MANGFOLD /’s web-shop you also agree that all electronic communications and notifications sent to the announced e-mail address, have the same legal effect as documents that not transmitted by electronic mail.

4. Pricing, freight and availability
All prices at MANGFOLD / are in Danish Kroner (DKK) and is included 25% DKK VAT. Freight and delivery costs, any payment card and bank fee will be disclosed before in the final purchase. MANGFOLD / are Paypal transaction fees.

Transaction fees related to purchases PayPal are invoked by MANGFOLD / If you order from another EU country your payment includes Danish VAT but not customs cf. EU rules on free movement of goods. If you order our products from a country outside of the EU area, local taxes and duties may apply and will fall on the customer.

Whilst we try and ensure that all details, descriptions and prices, which appear on this Website, are accurate, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any goods that you have ordered we will inform you of this as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you we will treat the order as cancelled. If you cancel and you have already paid for the goods, you will receive a full refund.

Delivery costs will be charged in addition; such additional charges are clearly displayed where applicable and included in the ‘Total Cost’.

5. Payment (PayPal)
You can choose to pay with credit card or your already registered PayPal account.

Payments are deducted when the products are shipped from our warehouse.

Upon receiving your order we carry out a standard authorization check on your payment card to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfill the transaction. Your card will be debited upon authorization being received. The monies received upon the debiting of your card shall be treated as a deposit against the value of the goods you wish to purchase. Once the goods have been dispatched and you have been sent a confirmation email the monies paid as a deposit shall be used as consideration for the value of goods you have purchased as listed in the confirmation email.

6. Right to withdrawal
Upon placing your order, you have 14 days to cancel, from the time the product is received. You can exercise your right to withdrawal by returning the product to the address below. When returning, please enclose invoice number, copy of the invoice or other identification of the contract. Transportation costs of returning rely on the customer. The packaging protection of the returned product must be intact and in the same condition as when the product was received.

7. Returns and complaints
If you receive a faulty item or an item that you have not ordered, you must urgently advertise no later than 2 years from reception. The customer pays the delivery costs of returning the goods. In case of complaint, please enclose the invoice number or other relevant identification as informed during the initial purchase.

Returns or complaints should be directed to:

Strandgade 52
1401 Copenhagen K

Phone: (+45) 2612 0239
CVR: 32053165

8. Delivery and shipment
Orders in the European Union are shipped via our affiliate couriers Post Danmark or UPS.

We strive to ship order within 3-4 working days. If you prefer a specific date of delivery, please let us know via and we will do our best to accommodate your preference. In case your product of interest is sold out, do not hesitate to contact us and we will let you know when the product is back in stock.

9. Force majeure (war, strikes, natural disasters etc.)
In case of Force Majeure, MANGFOLD / obligations will be suspended. The contract between you and MANGFOLD / can, in such cases, be partially or fully terminated by yourself or by us. A Force Majeure is in the event of war, civil war, revolution, riot, governmental measures, strike, lockout, blockage, failure of electricity, telephone or Internet service, natural disasters or similar events. Under such circumstances, we will attempt to resolve all issues in a timely manner.

MANGFOLD / will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of this Website or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.

10. Liability
MANGFOLD / is not liable for loss of profits or other indirect losses related to these terms and conditions. A legal claim to MANGFOLD / cannot exceed the amount invoiced for the sold item / object. The consumer is entitled to compensation if applicable conditions are present in accordance with the Danish Sales of Goods Act Goods §80.

11. Disclaimer and Governing Law
MANGFOLD / does not guarantee that all items included in the MANGFOLD / web shop are in stock at the time of your order. In the event that an item is unavailable, we will contact you shortly by phone or by e-mail. We cannot promise that the content of the site is free of inaccuracies or typographical errors at all times. Neither can we guarantee that all information is up-to-date. MANGFOLD / may, at any time, amend the content of the site. Although we strive to display the correct texts, images and pricing on the site and web-shop, errors may occur. If you have been charged the wrong amount in the web-shop, MANGFOLD / will give you the option of placing a new order with the correct price or canceling your order. We do, however, reserve the right to cancel any order prior to dispatch should we find that the price is incorrect. In such case we will notify you by email. If we are unable to contact you, your order will be automatically cancelled. Part of the services mediated through the site is maintained by outside organizations. In situations where MANGFOLD / acts as agent for such services, we cannot be held responsible for any errors resulting from their activities. MANGFOLD / cannot be held responsible for any damages caused from using the site or, for that matter, not being able to use the site. We cannot guarantee problem-free, uninterrupted, and secure access to the site.

These terms of use are complied in accordance with Danish law and the Danish courts will have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute under this agreement. The laws of your country may differ from Denmark and there may be additional legal requirements to use this website. You must comply with all applicable local and international laws and regulations regarding your use of our website.

12. Disputes
Any disputes concerning these terms and conditions are to be settled under Danish law with the Copenhagen City Court as legal venue, unless otherwise provided by mandatory rules for consumers.
Conditions apply from 1 April 2016.