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EILA – en dokumentar om identitet og (trans)køn af Cecilie Nørgaard (2015)

Trailer til EILA af Cecilie Nørgaard (2015)

Filmen ‘EILA’ (2015) er er et sanseligt, fagligt funderet, eksistentielt orienteret portræt af Eila – en nu 85årig transkønnet og lesbisk kvinde, der ti år efter transitionen, stadig kæmper for at blive klogere på sig selv som kvinde – og på, at dén handling, der endelige gjorde hende hel, halverede andre. Eilas historie minder os om, at det aldrig er for sent at blive sig selv.

EILA har været udvalgt og vist på Women Deliver Film Festival i 2016, Mix Copenhagen LGBTQ+ Film Festival (2016) og SR Social Relevant Film Festival New York (2018)


Stilbilleder fra filmen kan ses her, her og her

Idé og instruktion: Cecilie Nørgaard
Fotograf: Adam Philp
Klipper: Julius Krebs Damsbo

English: Documetary on transgender: EILA (2015)

The film is a sensual and existential portrait of Eila  a (now) 85 year old transgendered and lesbian woman, who, a decade after her transition, still struggles to realize and learn about herself and how the action that finally made her wholeaffected relations with close relatives and friends. Eila’s story reminds us that it is never too late to be and become ourselves.

‘EILA’ has been selected to showcase and will premiere on May 19th 2016, at 10.15am during the gender equality conference, Women Deliver 2016 at the Arts & Cinema Corner.

EILA will hereafter be used by Cecilie during lectures and can be utilized for educational purposes.


Still pictures from the documentary can be found here, here and here

Idea &
Director: Cecilie Nørgaard
Photographer: Adam Philp
Editor: Julius Krebs Damsbo